Started on 25 November, it will end on 8 March: two symbolic dates by which to collect 100,000 signatures to expose the Turkish President’s feminicidal and genocidal policies and condemn him. An interview with Yildiz Filimci, TJK-E activist «Erdoğan è un dittatore che ha una mentalità machista, fascista e razzista, che prende di mira …
Asya Yüksel, a woman who has experienced a lot herself and who, sharing her experience, sought the path of women’s liberation, was murdered precisely for this desire for justice and gender liberation. 14. Asya Yüksel BiographyAsya Yüksel was born in 1973 in Şırnaks Uludere district. She was married at a young age and mother of …
Dilek only asked the policemen who stormed her home to take off their shoes. The question ended deadly for the young woman. Date of birth: 1991; The family living in Istanbul originally comes from Maraş and is of Alevi faith. Dilan is one of the five children of a working mother and father who emigrated …
«Le 100 ragioni delle donne per processare Erdogan»
We also receive international support for our campaign. An interview with an activist from the 100 reasons campagne. La campagna è partita il 25 novembre scorso, giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne, e proseguirà fino all’8 marzo: tre mesi e mezzo per raccogliere 100mila firme contro le politiche femminicide del regime turco del …
100.000 signature for what?
An article in Kurdish about the current campaign with its meaning and all its facets from Gulê Algunerhan. Bi hezara salan e, pergala patrîarka hebûna xwe li ser femîsîdê ango li ser qirkirina jinan didomîne. Mirov dikare femîsîdê weke şerekî ku li dijî jinan hatiye îlankirin bi nav bike. Bêguman ev şerê hanê ne tenê …
Forced to work at a young age to support her family, she was murdered while looking after the sheep. Eyşê Ehmet Ferhan Eyşê was a child of 17 years. She worked to support her family financially, going from her mother’s place to the sheep pen. Eyşê was a high school student, but in order to …
TJK-E launches ‘100 reason’ campaign
The Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (Tevgera Jinên Kurd li Ewropayê, TJK-E) has launched the ‘100 reasons to prosecute the dictator’ today, International Day against Violence against Women. ‘100 reasons to prosecute the dictator‘ is the name of the campaign launched by the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (Tevgera Jinên Kurd li Ewropayê, TJK-E) today, International …
Women stage ‘100 reasons campaign’ demos in Essen and Frankfurt Demonstrations against violence against women took place in Essen and Frankfurt. The actions were carried out as part of the “100 reasons to prosecute the dictator” campaign. The rally organized by the “Association of Women from Kurdistan in Germany” (YJK-E) in Essen saw the participation of representatives of women’s councils from Dortmund, Duisburg and …
TJK-E starts “100 Reasons” campaign The Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E) released a statement providing information about the campaign they will launch on of November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. “We demand that femicide be officially recognized as a crime against humanity at the international level. In the first phase of our …
“TJK-E is the voice of women in four parts of Kurdistan and actively resists fascism and colonialism everywhere!”
An interview with TJK-E activist Zilan TJK-E aktivisti Zilan: Direnmek yetmez hesap soran pozisyonda olmalıyız HABER MERKEZİ – “Diktatörün Yargılanması için 100 Neden” kampanyasının detaylarını paylaşan TJK-E aktivisti Zilan Diyar, “İradesini kıramadığı kadınların olduğu hakikati bile tek başına diktatörün uykularını bölmeye yeter. Direnmek yetmiyor hesap soran bir pozisyonda olmalıyız. Tarihi biraz bilen herkes hiç …