Women in Qamişlo: “This crime will be repaid”.
Following the murder of two local women politicians from the democratic self-government of the northern Syrian town of Al-Dashisha, protests are taking place, especially by the women’s movement in many towns in northern Syria. The protests follow the abduction and murder of Sada al-Harmoush, co-chair of the civil council of the municipality of Til Sheir, and her deputy Hind al-Khedr, who was also in charge of the economy committee. The two women had been abducted by heavily armed men on Friday. Their decapitated bodies were found by the roadside.
Women in Qamişlo: “This crime will be repaid”.
In Qamişlo, the organisation against violence against women, Sara, held a rally. The organisation’s legal advisor, Neda Melki, said on behalf of Sara: “Dozens of women are abducted, raped and murdered every day. All this is done to intimidate women so they can continue to be used as tools.” Regarding the murder of the two female politicians, Sara states, “We condemn this crime in the strongest possible terms. You have attacked those who are leading the struggle for dignity and freedom. We promise this crime will be repaid.”
The Qamişlo District Council also held a rally in front of the council building. Rima al-Hisen, a member of the council’s economy committee leadership, said, “As the Qamişlo council and on behalf of all Qamişlo women, we strongly condemn this cruel crime. It is a massacre of free thought and free women.” Another rally by the Kongreya Star women’s movement also took place in Qamişlo.
Kobanê: Human rights organisations must fulfil their duty
In Kobanê, the Kongreya Star women’s movement coordination for the Euphrates region held a rally in Free Women’s Square. Hedla Hesen strongly condemned the killings and appealed to all civil society organisations and especially human rights organisations to do something about these crimes. She stressed that the massacre had directly targeted the women’s liberation model of self-governance and democratic nationhood.
Protests in many cities of Northern Syria
Protests and commemorations also took place in many other cities in northern Syria. The Kongreya Star women’s movement organised rallies in Aleppo, Amûde, Til Hemis, Tell Brak, Tirbêspiyê, Hesekê, Kobanê and Şehba.s in many northern Syrian cities to protest against women.