The Kurdish Women’s Movement of Europe (TJK-E) was founded in 2014. It is the confederal association of Kurdish women and their friends who have been working in parts of Europe for decades. The TJK-E works with various women’s associations, institutions, parliaments, municipalities and initiatives on the basis of democratic principles. The work also includes cooperation with ethnic organisations, women’s platforms, NGOs and other democratic organisations.
TJK-E is involved in political, legal, social, cultural, economic, scientific and also educational areas in order to make the colour, voice and will of women visible. The aim is to create an awareness that goes beyond sensitisation to overcome patriarchal and sexist systems. Among other things, women’s academies are being established for this purpose. The topics on which work is being done are broadly diversified. The TJK-E is particularly concerned to uncover violence, crimes and murders especially against women and to fight against them democratically.
The TJK-E sees achievements and all feminist struggles of the last centuries as its heritage. TJK-E supports the democratic solution of the Kurdish question, social peace and shares a democratic, ecological world view. TJK-E is particularly concerned with the problems of Kurdish women in the diaspora, carries out studies and creates solution-oriented projects.
TJK-E sees itself as an organisation that fights against patriarchal systems, racism, militarism and the destruction of nature.
1. Ni Una Menos, Argentina
2. Terre des Femmes e.V., Germany
3. Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit IFFF, Germany
4. Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V., Germany
5. Zentrale Informationstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser, Germany
6. Keine mehr, Germany
7. PCR – Partido Comunista Revolucionario, Argentina
8. Venceremos Partido de Trabajadorxs, Argentina
9. Proceso de Articulación de la sierra de Santa Marta, Mexico
10. Partido del Trabajo y el Pueblo, Argentina
11. Liga Argentina por los Derechos Humanos, Argentina
12. Rete jin, Italy
13. Pueblos en Camino, Columbia
14. Desde El Margen, Ecuador
15. Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, Argentina
16. FiLiA, UK
17. Unite the Union, UK
18. Congreso de los Pueblos, Colombia
19. Feministas del Abya Yala, South America
20. StopErdoganNow, Belgium
21. AEDD (Asociación de Ex-Detenidos Desaparecidos), Argentina
22. Les Bavardes – Association féministe et lesbienne amiénoise, France
23. Nodo Nacional de Mujeres de la Colombia Humana SOMOS, Colombia
24. Asociación de Mujeres Separadas y Divorciadas del PV, Spain
25. Die Linke NRW Landesverband, Germany
26. Linke sozialistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frauen (LISA) NRW, Germany
27. Die Linke.SDS
28. Grüne Jugend Hamburg, Germany
29. Constellation of Liberation Berlin, Germany
30. EcoMujer, Germany
31. gemeinsam kämpfen, Germany
32. feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN, Germany
33. Antifaschistische Aktion Lüneburg / Uelzen, Germany
34. DFG-VK Osnabrück, Germany
35. Koordinierungsgruppe des Frauenpolitischen Ratschlags, Germany
36. Ventana al Sur, Germany
37. Confederación General del Trabajo, Spain
38. Runa CoCo – Runa Cooperacion y Comunidad, Peru
39. Association d’actions de paix et de développement communautaire (APADEC), France
40. Union Locale des syndicats CGT de Bordeaux Centre, France
41. Colectiva Moi Non Plus, France
42. VVN/BdA Hannover
43. GEW KV Rosenheim
44. Ende Gelände Tübingen
45. Laboratorio sociale “la città di sotto”, Italy
46. DIE LINKE. Niedersachsen und auch die linksjugend [‘solid] Niedersachsen
47. EBOW Künstlerin, Germany
48. Berlin Migrant Strikers
49. EHBildu
50. DIE LINKE. Mittlere Oberpfalz
51. Attac Hamburg
52. linksjugend [‘solid] Worms,
53. Femtopie Duisburg
54. Ende Gelände Leipzig
55. Grüne Jugend Braunschweig
56. Seebrücke Erfurt
57. Seebrücke Berlin
59. Interventionistische Linke Leipzig
60. Infocafé Anna und Arthur
61. Zusammen Kämpfen, Stuttgart
62. WDR Comitees in Europa
1. Alberto Acosta, Former President of the Constitutional Assembly, Ecuador
2. Rita Laura Segato, academic feminist, Argentina
3. Hugo Gutierrez, Chamber of Deputies of Chile
4. Feminismo Comunitaria Antipatriarcal, Bolivia
5. Ana María Olivera Pessano, Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay
6. Lilian Galan, Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay
7. Sandra Lazo, Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay
8. Mónica Suárez, Frente Amplio
9. Marina Arismendi, Frente Amplio
10. Dayana Pérez, Frente Amplio
11. Fernanda Gil Lozano, Deputy of ParlaSur, South America
12. María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, Member of the European Parliament, Spain
13. Dra Alicia Castellanos Guerrero, UAM Mexico
14. Ana Maria Morales Troya, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Peru
15. Dr Jorge Alonso Sanchez, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Mexico
16. Danielle Simonnet, conseillère de Paris et oratrice nationale de la France Insoumise, France
17. Meredith Tax, feminist writer and organizer, New York, USA
18. Sylvia Marcos, University of Mexico